The stories behind commercial real estate
On the surface, it may seem that commercial real estate is just about the numbers: how much money a person can make off an investment over a long period of time. And that is part of the story. But commercial real estate, especially in a place like Asheville, is as rich and diverse as it’s people. It’s the small restaurant that was started by someone with no formal cooking experience and big dreams who now has a line out the door every day. It’s the art gallery that brought an old dilapidated building on an empty corner back from ruin and filled with buyers. It’s the former run-down old skating rink that’s now a popular barbecue restaurant written up all around the world. And it’s the former auto shop that two women with a food truck knew would make an amazing spot for a beer garden.
Every time we work with someone, we get to know and be a part of their story and that is, by far, the best part of this business. There is money to make, and return on investments to worry about, and interest rates and CAM fees. But it’s so much more than that. It’s about being a part of a community, one building, and one story at a time. What’s your story? We would be honored to be a part of it.